Which area does Dr. M.Dev Anand practice?
Dr. M.Dev Anand is a General Practitioner practicing in Majaragollappatti.
Why do patients visit Dr. M.Dev Anand?
Patients consult Dr. M.Dev Anand for the treatment of Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic gall duct, Ca body of pancreas, Ca tail of pancreas, Cardiac infarction, Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, wild virus, imported, Amebic liver abscess, Discharge from back of nose, Rectal disorder, Respiratory disease, Brain concussion, Rheumatic carditis, Bone disease, Parkinson disease, Abscess of neck, Meningioma of brain, Stomatitis, Bone cyst, Spleen disease, Liver carcinoma, Cancer of the brain, overlapping sites, DU - Duodenal ulcer, Bagpipe lung, Meningitis, Osteoarthritis, Rectal bleeding, Vaginal atrophy, Cancer in situ of urinary bladder, Cardiac arrhythmia, Renal disease due to hypertension, Sexually transmissible disease, Bladder infection, Peptic ulcer of stomach, Hepatitis A, Peptic ulcer, Large liver, Meniere disease, CAFL - Chronic airflow limitation, UTI - Lower urinary tract infection, Hepatic angioma, Hepatitis B, Hepatic encephalopathy, Gallbladder calculus, Female breast cancer, Carcinoma of gallbladder, Carcinoma of pancreas, Carcinoma of stomach, Liver cancer, Lung cancer, Spleen cyst, Infertile male syndrome, CAP - community acquired pneumonia, Gallbladder disease, Mycotic stomatitis, Neoplasm of lung, Neoplasm of liver, Brain damage due to hypoxia, Adenocarcinoma of stomach, Intestinal obstruction, Disorder of brain, Upper respiratory infection, Metastasis to brain, Cervical radiculopathy, Pancreatic metastasis, Rectal ulcer, Cervical strain, Cervical sprain, Lumbar spondylosis with myelopathy, Abscess of liver, Renal disorder associated with diabetes mellitus, Liver decompensation, Brain damage, Burning tongue, CA - Cancer of prostate, Cardiac angina, Bladder cancer, Spleen abscess, Rheumatoid arteritis, Disorder of bladder and bladder neck, DI - Diabetes insipidus, Gallstone pancreatitis, Renal calculi, UTI - Urinary tract infection, UTI - urinary tract infection in pregnancy, Lumbar radiculopathy, Hepatitis, Lung emphysema, Cervical osteoarthritis, Cervical spondylitis, Painful tongue, Bladder calculus, Enlargement of spleen, Cardiac disorder, Oesophagitis, Tuberculosis, Instability of bladder, Pleurisy, Rheumatic gout, Renal infection, Pancreatic cyst, Dry vagina, Saddle gall, Cardiac arrest - ventricular fibrillation, Oesophageal reflux with oesophagitis, Cervical incompetence, Epilepsy, Anomalies of spleen, CA - Cancer, Gallbladder Ca, Cervical cancer, Cancer of tonsil, Oesophageal cancer, Pancreatic cancer, Ca head of pancreas, Ovarian ca, Ureter Ca, Urethral Ca, Peritoneal cancer, Lumbar osteoarthritis, Mouth cancer, Renal cancer, Aneurysm of thoracic aorta, Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis and no obstruction, Primary impotence, Secondary impotence, Asthma attack, Polyp of gallbladder, Bladder diverticulum, Carcinoma of cardia, Adenocarcinoma of lung, Cardiac arrest, Renal cyst, Liver cyst, Renal artery atheroma, CA - Breast cancer, Endometrial ca, Renal arteriosclerosis, Brain tumor, Big spleen syndrome, Intestinal disease, Pleural effusion, Liver cirrhosis, Cervical myelopathy, Thoracic and lumbosacral neuritis, Cancer - unknown origin, Diabetes, Abscess of lung, Gallbladder and bile duct calculi, Cervical adenitis, Duodenal polyp, Viral hepatitis, Collapse of lung, Disease of pancreas, Lung disorder, Male sexual dysfunction, Dry eyes, Convulsion, Brain mass, Pancreatic mass, Stomach ache, Eye blurry, Oesophagus, distal surgical margin, involved by tumour, Pain in female pelvis, Lung field abnormal, Vagina aches, Loss of interest in sex, Infertile, Liver mass, Mass of tongue, Spleen absent, Blood in semen, Urethral discharge, Fear of sexual intercourse, Eye ache, Neck ache, Nose bleed, Spleen in left sided position, Swelling of vagina, Itching of eye, Calcaneal spur, Eye irritating, Abnormal female sexual function, Sexual dysfunction, Foot ache, Paralysis, Lumbar pain, Renal mass, Lung mass, Oedema, Alpha-gal syndrome, Fever, Cold.
What is Dr. M.Dev Anand's specialization?
Dr. M.Dev Anand specializes in the treatment of Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic gall duct, Ca body of pancreas, Ca tail of pancreas, Cardiac infarction, Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, wild virus, imported, Amebic liver abscess, Discharge from back of nose, Rectal disorder, Respiratory disease, Brain concussion, Rheumatic carditis, Bone disease, Parkinson disease, Abscess of neck, Meningioma of brain, Stomatitis, Bone cyst, Spleen disease, Liver carcinoma, Cancer of the brain, overlapping sites, DU - Duodenal ulcer, Bagpipe lung, Meningitis, Osteoarthritis, Rectal bleeding, Vaginal atrophy, Cancer in situ of urinary bladder, Cardiac arrhythmia, Renal disease due to hypertension, Sexually transmissible disease, Bladder infection, Peptic ulcer of stomach, Hepatitis A, Peptic ulcer, Large liver, Meniere disease, CAFL - Chronic airflow limitation, UTI - Lower urinary tract infection, Hepatic angioma, Hepatitis B, Hepatic encephalopathy, Gallbladder calculus, Female breast cancer, Carcinoma of gallbladder, Carcinoma of pancreas, Carcinoma of stomach, Liver cancer, Lung cancer, Spleen cyst, Infertile male syndrome, CAP - community acquired pneumonia, Gallbladder disease, Mycotic stomatitis, Neoplasm of lung, Neoplasm of liver, Brain damage due to hypoxia, Adenocarcinoma of stomach, Intestinal obstruction, Disorder of brain, Upper respiratory infection, Metastasis to brain, Cervical radiculopathy, Pancreatic metastasis, Rectal ulcer, Cervical strain, Cervical sprain, Lumbar spondylosis with myelopathy, Abscess of liver, Renal disorder associated with diabetes mellitus, Liver decompensation, Brain damage, Burning tongue, CA - Cancer of prostate, Cardiac angina, Bladder cancer, Spleen abscess, Rheumatoid arteritis, Disorder of bladder and bladder neck, DI - Diabetes insipidus, Gallstone pancreatitis, Renal calculi, UTI - Urinary tract infection, UTI - urinary tract infection in pregnancy, Lumbar radiculopathy, Hepatitis, Lung emphysema, Cervical osteoarthritis, Cervical spondylitis, Painful tongue, Bladder calculus, Enlargement of spleen, Cardiac disorder, Oesophagitis, Tuberculosis, Instability of bladder, Pleurisy, Rheumatic gout, Renal infection, Pancreatic cyst, Dry vagina, Saddle gall, Cardiac arrest - ventricular fibrillation, Oesophageal reflux with oesophagitis, Cervical incompetence, Epilepsy, Anomalies of spleen, CA - Cancer, Gallbladder Ca, Cervical cancer, Cancer of tonsil, Oesophageal cancer, Pancreatic cancer, Ca head of pancreas, Ovarian ca, Ureter Ca, Urethral Ca, Peritoneal cancer, Lumbar osteoarthritis, Mouth cancer, Renal cancer, Aneurysm of thoracic aorta, Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis and no obstruction, Primary impotence, Secondary impotence, Asthma attack, Polyp of gallbladder, Bladder diverticulum, Carcinoma of cardia, Adenocarcinoma of lung, Cardiac arrest, Renal cyst, Liver cyst, Renal artery atheroma, CA - Breast cancer, Endometrial ca, Renal arteriosclerosis, Brain tumor, Big spleen syndrome, Intestinal disease, Pleural effusion, Liver cirrhosis, Cervical myelopathy, Thoracic and lumbosacral neuritis, Cancer - unknown origin, Diabetes, Abscess of lung, Gallbladder and bile duct calculi, Cervical adenitis, Duodenal polyp, Viral hepatitis, Collapse of lung, Disease of pancreas, Lung disorder, Male sexual dysfunction, Dry eyes, Convulsion, Brain mass, Pancreatic mass, Stomach ache, Eye blurry, Oesophagus, distal surgical margin, involved by tumour, Pain in female pelvis, Lung field abnormal, Vagina aches, Loss of interest in sex, Infertile, Liver mass, Mass of tongue, Spleen absent, Blood in semen, Urethral discharge, Fear of sexual intercourse, Eye ache, Neck ache, Nose bleed, Spleen in left sided position, Swelling of vagina, Itching of eye, Calcaneal spur, Eye irritating, Abnormal female sexual function, Sexual dysfunction, Foot ache, Paralysis, Lumbar pain, Renal mass, Lung mass, Oedema, Alpha-gal syndrome, Fever, Cold.
What is Dr. M.Dev Anand education qualification?
Dr. M.Dev Anand is a General Practitioner by training and has completed his BHMS from Vinayaka Mission's Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital in 2019.
What is the address of Dr. M.Dev Anand's clinic?
Dr. M.Dev Anand currently practices at Mowlee Homoeo Care which is located at: 3/141A/165, Mettukadu, Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College Opposite, Steel plant Main Road, Sarkar kollapatti(P.O), Salem, Doctor's Colony, Majaragollappatti
How many years of experince Dr. M.Dev Anand have?
Dr. M.Dev Anand has over 5 years of clinical experience.
How to book Dr. M.Dev Anand General Practitioner appointment?
To book an appointment with Dr. M.Dev Anand, you can book an online appointment with
Eka Care or visit his clinic offline at: 3/141A/165, Mettukadu, Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College Opposite, Steel plant Main Road, Sarkar kollapatti(P.O), Salem, Doctor's Colony, Majaragollappatti
Can I book Dr. M.Dev Anand for online counsultation?
Yes, you can book an online consultation with Dr. M.Dev Anand. You can either book it through eka care website and your appointment will be confirmed by the doctor instantly.
What is the counsultion fees for Dr. M.Dev Anand?
The consultation fee for Dr. M.Dev Anand may vary depending on the type of consultation. It is best to contact the clinic post your appointment for the exact charges.
What are the consultation timings of Dr. M.Dev Anand for an appointment?
The consultation timings for Dr. M.Dev Anand may vary depending on the location and type of consultation. You can check his availability on his appointment calendar for booking a slot.
His general consultation hours are:
Mon - Sun
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
06:00 PM - 09:00 PM
What languages are spoken by Dr. M.Dev Anand?
Dr. M.Dev Anand is fluent in English, മലയാളം and தமிழ்.