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Dr. Sheikh Naveed

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Dr. Sheikh Naveed

Dr. Sheikh Naveed

Dr. Sheikh Naveed MBBS, MD, DNB (Skin & VD) JIPMER, Ex-Senior Resident (AIIMS, New Delhi), Fellowship in Lasers, Aesthetics & Hair Transpant surgery, currently Assistant Professor of Dermatology, is the Co-Founder, Medical Director, Chief Consultant Dermatologist and Hair Transplant surgeon of our centre.
In-clinic visits
9 yrs
Overall Experience
English | हिंदी | ਪੰਜਾਬੀ
About the doctor
Dr. Sheikh Naveed is renowned Dermatologist & Hair Transplant Surgeon with 7+ Years of experience. He is extremely passionate about aesthetic and evidence based cosmetic medicine & is highly skilled in the field of lasers, surgical & non-surgical aesthetic treatments with utmost specialisation in Hair Transplantation.
Hair Transplant Surgeon
aesthetic cosmetologist
Commonly treats
Skin rash
Nutritional alopecia
Skin disease
Skin abnormality
Alopecia areata
Comedonal acne
Acne keloid
Hereditary alopecia
Pimple of skin
Hair loss
Hair breakage
Loss of hair
Acne vulgaris
jammu kashmir medical council
SkinMatic Clinic & Hair Transplant Centre
Bilal Shopping complex, Kanispora, Jammu and Kashmir , India, 193101
Mon :
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Tue :
12:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Wed :
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Thu :
12:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Fri :
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Sun :
11:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Payment Modes Accepted:
Credit/Debit Cards
Covid Protocols:
appointment required
walk in
staff wear mask
Clinic Amenities:
gender neutral restroom
Payment Modes Accepted:
Credit/Debit Cards
Covid Protocols:
appointment required
walk in
staff wear mask
Clinic Amenities:
gender neutral restroom
Awards & Publications
Gold medal, 2018
Assistant Professor , 2023 - 2023
GMC Baramulla
Senior Resident , 2021 - 2023
GMC Baramulla
Senior Resident , 2017 - 2020
AIIMS New Delhi
Educational Qualifications
MD Dermatology - 2017
MBBS - 2012
ASCOMS, Jammu University
Member of
2014 - 2044
Social Media
Invite Code
Invite Link
Use the invite code to add Dr. Sheikh Naveed to your list of doctors on the Eka App

Google Reviews

Hasnain Salman
Hasnain Salman
9 months ago
While the clinic itself offers commendable services and Dr. Naveed showcases exceptional patience and expertise, the experience takes a sharp downturn when the lady technician steps in. Her presence not only disrupts the otherwise smooth consultation but makes the entire process feel like an ordeal. It's imperative for the clinic's reputation and patient satisfaction that Dr. Naveed reconsiders her involvement in the consultations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which area does Dr. Sheikh Naveed practice?

Dr. Sheikh Naveed is a Dermatologist.

Why do patients visit Dr. Sheikh Naveed?

Patients consult Dr. Sheikh Naveed for the treatment of Skin rash, Nutritional alopecia, Psoriasis, Skin disease, Skin abnormality, Alopecia areata, Eczema, Alopecia, Comedonal acne, Acne keloid, Vitiligo, Hereditary alopecia, Pimple of skin, Hair loss, Hair breakage, Loss of hair, Acne vulgaris.

What is Dr. Sheikh Naveed's specialization?

Dr. Sheikh Naveed specializes in the treatment of Skin rash, Nutritional alopecia, Psoriasis, Skin disease, Skin abnormality, Alopecia areata, Eczema, Alopecia, Comedonal acne, Acne keloid, Vitiligo, Hereditary alopecia, Pimple of skin, Hair loss, Hair breakage, Loss of hair, Acne vulgaris.

What is Dr. Sheikh Naveed education qualification?

Dr. Sheikh Naveed is a Dermatologist by training and has completed their MD Dermatology from JIPMER in 2017 and MBBS from ASCOMS, Jammu University in 2012.

What is the address of Dr. Sheikh Naveed's clinic?

Dr. Sheikh Naveed currently practices at SkinMatic Clinic & Hair Transplant Centre which is located at: Bilal Shopping complex, Kanispora

How many years of experince Dr. Sheikh Naveed have?

Dr. Sheikh Naveed has over 9 years of clinical experience.

How to book Dr. Sheikh Naveed Dermatologist appointment?

To book an appointment with Dr. Sheikh Naveed, you can book an online appointment with Eka Care or visit their clinic offline at: Bilal Shopping complex, Kanispora

Can I book Dr. Sheikh Naveed for online counsultation?

Yes, you can book an online consultation with Dr. Sheikh Naveed. You can either book it through eka care website and your appointment will be confirmed by the doctor instantly.

What is the counsultion fees for Dr. Sheikh Naveed?

The consultation fee for Dr. Sheikh Naveed may vary depending on the type of consultation. It is best to contact the clinic post your appointment for the exact charges.

What are the consultation timings of Dr. Sheikh Naveed for an appointment?

The consultation timings for Dr. Sheikh Naveed may vary depending on the location and type of consultation. You can check their availability on their appointment calendar for booking a slot.

Their general consultation hours are:

04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
12:00 PM - 06:00 PM
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
12:00 PM - 06:00 PM
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
11:00 AM - 06:00 PM

What languages are spoken by Dr. Sheikh Naveed?

Dr. Sheikh Naveed is fluent in English, हिंदी and ਪੰਜਾਬੀ.
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