How To Implement An Electronic Health Record?

July 21, 2023

Today, whenever we use the letter "E" before any other word, its meaning becomes technologically advanced, and the reason behind this is the meaning of this "E". The most common meaning of "E" today is Electronic or Electric. Whenever we add this "E" before any word, it certainly gives it an updated sense. Today everything's getting technologically advanced; with this advancement, access to everything has also become much easier. This advancement has also been implemented in the medical sector and has shown a huge development.

Electronic health records (EHR) are the biggest technological development so far in the medical sector. This new development is more like a revolution aiming to eliminate all the common problems people usually face. Electronic health records are a new way of keeping all your medical documents safe and without much trouble. The government has started the implementation of EHR rapidly and also started programs like ABHA (Ayushman Bharat Health Ayojan). These programs widely support the implementation of EHR. EHR (Electronic health records) are the medical documents of patients and everyone uploaded to the EHR sites/web portals or apps.

Implementation of EHR

Implementing Electronic Health Records is a vital step in the technological development of the health system. Implementation of Electronic Health Records is essential to ease the work of both patients and doctors. Implementation of EHR is a challenging job because it has very vital steps that require utmost care. These procedures are to be performed so carefully to ensure minimum errors. Availability, Confidentiality, and integrity are the essential points that need utmost care and attention.

Cost of EHR Implementation

EHR implementation cost breakdown is also a complex procedure as it plays a vital role in successful EHR implementation. In the cost breakdown of Electronic Health Records, the first and most necessary point is its software. In the open market, thousands of vendors offer multiple software and installation options. The Office of National Coordinator (ONC) States that the total cost of the implementation of the software of EHR is $33,000. Software is essential to implementing Electronic Health Records, but hardware is equally important. Implementing the Electronic health record system requires a lot of different hardware equipment, such as High Volume scanners, Insurance card scanners, Election search pads, and many others.

The Cost Breakdown of the Electronic Health Records System does not stop here. There are several different costs, such as support costs, training costs, and many more. These all conclude a total cost of $4000 every year. Implementing Electronic Health Records is expensive, but the benefits it will provide to the upcoming generation of doctors and patients will be worth it. The cost breakdown of Electronic Health Records is complicated to understand but reading the points mentioned above will help you understand the complex procedure.

Steps in Implementation of EHR

The steps in the implementation of EHR system are quite complex, but still, the steps are mentioned below in detail for your convenience:-

Clear Roadmap- The first step in implementing the EHR system is to set a clear roadmap with the help of planning experts. The involvement of experts and high-level executives will ensure smooth planning.

Strong Leadership- After making a successful EHR implementation plan, you must ensure that the plan goes smoothly and with minimum errors by providing strong leadership by experts and high-level executives.

Budget Limits- The cost of EHR implementation can be quite high, so your organisation needs to fix a good budget and aim to provide the maximum possible quality service within the minimum cost.

Infrastructure- The Infrastructure should be of the best possible quality because Infrastructure plays a vital role in ensuring data security. The interoperability, privacy, and safety are also ensured by good Infrastructure.

Data Transfer- After the good implementation of Infrastructure, the next point should be to ensure secure data transfer to ease the patients and doctors.

Training Session- All the procedures mentioned above and below require lots of well-trained staff. So providing effective training sessions to the staff members, especially data entry staff, will ensure smooth implementation.

Going Live preparation- After all the steps mentioned above, the next step is to start your EHR system, but before it begins, it is fair for your organisation to cross-check it to ensure that no errors occur after it begins.

Launch Reflection- After cross-checking and successfully implementing your EHR system, the next most vital step would be to keep ensuring the proper functioning of your EHR system so the users won't face any errors.

Challenges in The Implementation of EHR

  1. Cost- Among all the barriers to EHR implementation, the cost is the most common, as it's evident that it is quite expensive and requires a good budget formation and maintenance.
  2. Resistance of Staffs- Staff involvement as advisors can bring up specific resistance because of their different ideas and views. Also, many doctors might not see it as a safe system.
  3. Time-consuming- The most vital step in the EHR implementation checklist is the staff training which can be time-consuming as everyone has different paces of learning and development.
  4. Usability - The EHR system is helpful, but the usability ratio is relatively low, and the main reason behind this is the difference in people's workflow.
  5. Privacy- Privacy is most necessary for successful EHR implementation. If your system does not maintain the users' privacy, the users will indeed lack trust in your system, which can be a huge loss.
  6. Migration- Since the number of users of the EHR system is still low, uploading the data of thousands of patients' papers to the system directly will be a lot of trouble for the staff and can cause some data errors.
  7. Technical Resources- Small clinical establishments may face a lack of technical Resources as it's common for everyone to have the accurate software and hardware for the EHR system.
  8. Interoperability- It certainly means the safe exchange of patient data among hospitals and other clinic facilities.
  9. Lack of planning- As we have already discussed the importance of planning above, we know that a lack of planning can ruin everything.
  10. Low communication- Communication plays a vital role in the proper working of every organisation and plan, and successful communication can lead the organisation towards success.


Implementing an electronic health record (EHR) requires careful planning, stakeholder collaboration, and attention to detail. Some key steps to consider when implementing an EHR include identifying your organisation's specific needs, selecting the right EHR vendor, training staff on using the new system, and ensuring the design meets regulatory requirements.

It is also essential to consider the benefits of implementing an EHR, such as improved efficiency, increased accuracy of patient data, and better communication among healthcare providers. With an EHR in place, healthcare providers can quickly access patient information, track patient progress, and share information with other providers as needed.

However, implementing an EHR can also come with challenges, such as the cost of implementation, resistance from staff, and potential privacy and security concerns. These challenges should be addressed during the planning phase to ensure a successful implementation.

In conclusion, implementing an EHR can be complex, but can also benefit healthcare organisations and their patients. Organisations can successfully implement an EHR and improve their overall efficiency and patient care by carefully planning and addressing potential challenges.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions

Can we trust EHR?

Trusting an EHR system is entirely your decision to make, but the fact that the EHR system provides your data with complete security is undeniable.

Is the EHR system beneficial?

The EHR system is undoubtedly beneficial for all patients and doctors. The EHR system's main aim is to ensure you won't face any more document-related troubles in the future.

Is the EHR system free for users?

The government and the private sectors are investigating EHR systems, so the Government Systems will surely be free, but the Private sector can charge some prices for its services.